Stocking for Soldiers
Remember our Soldiers who wont be home for Christmas
List of Non-perishable items:
Holiday bite size candy
Non-perishable goods(jerky, sunflower seeds, trail mix)
Cereal Bars (granola bars)
Travel size toiletries
Dental Floss Pocket size kleenex
Batteries AA & AAA
Wednesday- Friday: NO SCHOOL!!

Week after Thanksgiving December 1-5, 2014
Creating a New Government
"If men were angels government would not be necessary" - John Adams
Articles of Confederation 1781
-united all states under one central government
-each state acted independently
- only one branch existed Legislative branch (congress) makes laws
Northwest Ordinance 1787
- Process in which territory is turned into a state
Weaknesses of the National government under the A of C
Shay's Rebellion
Constitutional Convention @Philadelphia PA

Articles of Confederation 1781
-united all states under one central government
-each state acted independently
- only one branch existed Legislative branch (congress) makes laws
Northwest Ordinance 1787
- Process in which territory is turned into a state
Weaknesses of the National government under the A of C
Shay's Rebellion
Constitutional Convention @Philadelphia PA