Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Week of May 11-15, 2015

8th grade U.S. History
Teaching with movies: this week we will expand our knowledge of the evils of slavery in the U.S. during the 1800's with the true story of Solomon North who was a free man but sadly was a victim to kidnapping by two imposter men. Solomon took his experience and wrote.a book which along with Harriet Beecher Stowe's book Uncle Tom's Cabin, brought the issue to light and helped fuel even more the abolitionist cause. 

Friday, May 1, 2015

Week of May 4-8,2015

What is Debate? Debate is a structured discussion. The degree of structure and formality is up to you. There are usually two teams of at least two people each. One team, the Affirmative, supports the resolution. The second team, the Negative, opposes it.
This week students will examine the power of words through the film The Great Debaters. Students will also learn the effects of the Jim Crow Laws and cases such as
 Plessy vs. Ferguson on the black community in the South.
Students will also gain a better understanding of the Civil Rights Act of 1763 and Dr. Martin Luther King's efforts.
"Debate is blood sport. It's combat. Your weapons are words".  -Mr. Tolson