Monday-Students will begin the second half of their 8th grade school year with creating their own affirmations. What is an "affirmation"? What is the "power" of affirmations? What is the difference between a resolution and an affirmation?

Tuesday-Present projects
Wednesday- What is a "constitution"? What is it's purpose?
Research the 7 principles of the U.S. Constitution
(1) Popular Sovereignty
(2) Republicanism
(3) Limited Government
(4) Federalism
(5) Separation of Powers
(6) Checks and Balances
(7) Individual Rights
Thursday- Begin Unit 4 Creating a New Government
What were the Articles of Confederation?
What kind of problems did the new nation face in the beginning?
How did they solve the issues they were facing?
Friday-Continue with Unit 4
Mini-Assessment of weekly class lecture and activities
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